Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

Tugas Pak Kus

Yayaya jadi anak bilingual di kasih tugas sama Pak Kus guru mata pelajaran bahasa inggris buat ngeganti cerita sleeping beauty semau kita. Nah tugasnya udah selesai, satu satu anak bilingual maju le depan dan ngebacain hasilnya termasuk gue, terus Pak Kus nyuruh kita buat ngetik hasilnya buat di pasang di mading nah ini hasilnya

Sleeping Beauty

There are a Queen and a King, they live in a castle at Lebak Bulus. They are don’t have a child, but the Queen wanted has a child. Once upon a time the Queen was pregnant, she is so happy. In August 8 1888 the baby was born. The Queen and the King gave the baby’s name, the name is Auronggeng, she is so beautiful, but she has 3 eyes, 1 foot and she is handycap. But her parents very love her. When her parents celebrate Auronggeng’s birthday her parents invite the fairy, but the witch has not invited. The witch very angry, the witch said when Auronggeng seventeen birthday, Auronggeng will get sleep for 100 years if Auronggeng fart. 16 years later in Auronggeng’s birthday, Auronggeng has fart, so Auronggeng and all the people in castle sleeping, but the witch poor with Auronggeng, so the witch change her curse, Auronggeng and all people in castle can woke up if there is a man kissing Auronggeng. 50 years later came a man to the castle, and the man kissing Auronggeng, so Auronggeng and all people in castle woke up. After that Auronggeng married with the man.

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