Hey blog haha ini post aku bikin bkn pas aku ol aku bikin post ini hari kamis 1 Oktober 2009 tepat pukul 8.35 pm aku mulai bikin post ini harusnya skrg aku belajar ipa buat ujian besok cuman enggak tau kenapa enggak konsen gitu drtd malah mikirin rizky hehew ;p iya i believe you know rizky right? He is my ex boyfriend and now he is my lovely boyfriend ♥ hehew ini gue ngelanjutin ngetiknya hari sabtu 3 Oktober 2009 tepat pukul 9.54 pm iya jadi tadi kan aku les nah di suruh bikin descriptive text temanya bebas apa aja yaudah aku deskripsiin Rizky aja hihiw ;pppp hasilnya gini
Rizky is my friend, he doesn’t jus my friend but he is my boyfriend too
His full name is Rizky Putra Wibiksana, i just call him Rizky
He is taller than me. Now not the first time i make a relationship with him. He has a sharp nose, he has a brown skin, he has a black hair, and he use teethwire. He was a personnel of a band. He goes to 58 senior high school at East Jakarta. Now he is grade 11 at his school. His body is slim like me. He is a kind person although sometimes he is selfish. He has 1 brother. He was born at 1st of june. He use an eyeglasses. I don’t know again Ms.DJ to many words can be use to describe, but i can’t. But i can tell you something about him, you must know and believe he is so kind but now my relationship with him is complicated :’( but i know i really know he is nice for me.